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Wildbienen- seminar
Stehen bewirtschaftete Honigbienen und einheimische Wildbienen in Konkurrenz um Ressourcen?
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Nachhaltigkeits- konferenz
Wie gestalten wir die Zukunft, in der wir leben wollen?
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Gefahren durch die Asiatische Hornisse „Vespa Velutina nigrithorax“
Was man wissen sollte.
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Imkern am Jenaplan-Gymnasium
Heute bin ich Imkerin.
Wie ist es so als Imker bzw. Imkerin?
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Darf man das fragen?
Blühpakt Bayern
Gemeinsam für mehr Artenvielfalt
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Sehenswert für die ganze Familie
Gemeinsam Natur erleben
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[ F.A.Q ]
What is the process for getting a garden design?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about your business like "Where do you ship to?", "What are your opening hours?", or "How can I book a service?".
How long does it take to complete a garden design project?The timeline varies based on the project's complexity and size. Small projects may take a few weeks, while larger ones could take a few months. During the consultation, we will provide a more accurate estimate. We will design garden based on your own needs, budget, and time constraints.
Do you offer maintenance services after the garden is installed?FAQs can be added to any page on your site or to your Wix mobile app, giving access to members on the go.
Can I incorporate sustainability values into my garden design?The timeline varies based on the project's complexity and size. Small projects may take a few weeks, while larger ones could take a few months. During the consultation, we will provide a more accurate estimate. We will design garden based on your own needs, budget, and time constraints.
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